Sunday, January 13, 2013

It seems that FLU season is upon us. Other than taking a FLU shot each year what preventive steps are you taking to not get the FLU? I live in the state of Wyoming in the city of Cheyenne and although the article below talks of the FLU epidemic across the US and can only be concern about the state that I live in. Please note what it says for those of you Wyoming viewers to my blog. "AP/ January 13, 2013, 3:24 PM Snapshot of flu epidemic across the U.S. map United States, U.S., health, caduceus Wyoming: Flu activity is high in Wyoming. One county ran out of vaccine last week and the distributor won't have any more flu vaccine this season. Supplies are available from many doctors' offices and other providers, and thousands of people have already been vaccinated. There have been no reported deaths. State health officials generally only keep track of children's flu deaths. Often the cause is pneumonia or related to frailty or other health problems so it is hard to draw conclusions about a flu season from state reports." There have been a few people in my workplace that have been sick with the FLU this past holiday and even one person, an adult, has even suffered from pneumonia. Again, I ask what preventive steps are you taking so you don't get sick with a common cold, the FLU or even something worse like pneumonia? I'd like to start with Dr. Schulze's October 2012 newsletter titled, "COLD & FLU ALERT--IT'S COMING" and he recommends his product called "Super Tonic" of which I have tried and does boost the immune system and the other is called "Cold&FLu-Herbal Shot". Hope Dr. Schulze doesn't mind my using his pic.
Also other products called "Grapefruit w/Echinacea", Vitamin C, Cayenne(dilates the circulation) numerous teas such as "De-tox". These products are reasonably priced and most can be found in any Health Food store and what you can't find in the stores can be ordered offline from such sites as 'Nature Sunshine'; 'Now'; 'Azure Standard'; 'Mountain Peoples'and 'Natures Plus' Don't wait until you are sick before you do anything about your health; start now by eating whole foods, drinking plenty of water, exercise, leave off sweets, letting sunlight into our homes and walking out doors when it is sunny, fresh air, rest and Trust in Divine power to get us through another day. Keep these simple tips in mind while we continue to weather the storm of this years FLU season and stay HEALTHY.

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