Tuesday, January 17, 2012


This is a result of inorganic calcium deposits in the cartilage of the joints as a result of eating concentrated carbohydrates in excess. Dissolving the inorganic calcium is a beginning step to regenerate your system. "RESENTMENT" is what needs to be banish from the heart in order to improve one's calcium situation.(N.W.Walker 124) Harboring resentful thoughts is also found in Proverbs 14:30 "A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones." So, the calcium must be removed from the body and juicing is one way to do this.
Juices are listed in accordance with their greatest efficacy and are taken from the book RAW VEGETABLE JUICES, Dr. N.W. Walker.
1. Grapefruit - pint
2. Carrot & Spinach - 10oz & 6oz
3. Straight Celery - pint
4. Carrot & Celery - 9oz & 7oz (if celery tops used, 10oz & 6oz)
5. Carrot & Beet & Cucumber 10oz & 3oz & 3oz
Please note you are to drink a pint of each single or combination of juices throughout the day at one or two hour intervals.
It is highly recommended that once you start a certain combination of juicing to combat a particular problem do not switch the juices around, because it will effect the chemical combinations and end in different results. Stay with the suggested combinations. I will have more to say about Juicing Combinations at a later date. Please remember that it is your choice to try alternative methods to treat yourself and that is your God given right. The greatest thing you can do for yourself in order to feel better and be healthier is to change your lifestyle. Treating an illness is one thing, but prevention goes a long way and has far reaching results.

I post this blog, because a few people have asked me about alternative methods to use for Arthritis.

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