Monday, May 24, 2010

Opportunities to Change Our Lifestyles

McDougall 10-Day Program
June 11-20, 2010
Sold Out

The medical world is changing. Medications, the best example being diabetic pills, and surgeries, such as angioplasty, have been thoroughly exposed to the public as ineffective, harmful, and expensive. The alternative is to become healthy by changing your diet. But you need help and that is what the McDougall Program is for.

During your 10-day stay with us you will stop all unnecessary medications, cancel avoidable surgery, and take a big step toward regaining your lost health and appearance. There is really no other sensible choice.

Dr. McDougall still personally cares for each individual patient during and, when necessary and appropriate, after the program.

You can have your name placed on the June 11-21, 2010 Program waiting list. However, there are still openings for August 6 to 15, 2010.

Call Carol at (800) 941-7111 or (616) 874-8155 or write to her at for more information.

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