Monday, May 24, 2010


Changes in our Health Care is fast closing in on the American people. Will everyone be able to afford Health Care? If anyone has taken the time to read the new Health Care proposal, I am not sure if anyone could really understand it all. I vaguely skimmed through the 1100+ pages and was not sure what was being offered me, except that if I do not have 'prescribed Health Care', I will be taxed in order to help pay for others that cannot afford Health care. What kind of Health Plan is that? I thought this was America, and their was such a thing as freedom of choice?
Anyway, I have chosen not to have conventional Health Care, because the answer to Health Care is not in treatment; but in PREVENTION. The purpose of this blog is to encourage people to seek alternative methods to Health Care and think seriously on the phrase "physician heal thyself". Everyone needs to educate themselves in the area of Health Reform and gradually work to change their lifestyles in order to reach Optimum Health. This is not a 'rocket scientist' approach, but simply the willingness on the part of each individual to make necessary changes in their lifestyle in order to maintain mental, physical and spiritual health.
All I ask, is that you THINK ABOUT IT!

Opportunities to Change Our Lifestyles

McDougall 10-Day Program
June 11-20, 2010
Sold Out

The medical world is changing. Medications, the best example being diabetic pills, and surgeries, such as angioplasty, have been thoroughly exposed to the public as ineffective, harmful, and expensive. The alternative is to become healthy by changing your diet. But you need help and that is what the McDougall Program is for.

During your 10-day stay with us you will stop all unnecessary medications, cancel avoidable surgery, and take a big step toward regaining your lost health and appearance. There is really no other sensible choice.

Dr. McDougall still personally cares for each individual patient during and, when necessary and appropriate, after the program.

You can have your name placed on the June 11-21, 2010 Program waiting list. However, there are still openings for August 6 to 15, 2010.

Call Carol at (800) 941-7111 or (616) 874-8155 or write to her at for more information.

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