"The greatest cause of disease is in the food taken into the system in large meat-eating." from Spalding and Magan
Learn more about cooking foods without meat.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Holiday Season
With Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays upon us the Internet, magazine racks at the stores, food producers and various other advertisers are filling us with ideas on what to cook for the holidays. I was looking at some vegetarian recipes just this morning on the Internet about how to make soups and pastries, but the sad part about some of those ingredients; they still used sugar and salt. How can you enjoy your festive holiday this season, still not overindulge, and eat something that is healthy? Here are a few tips to consider.
Read Ingredients
If you have not been, accustom to reading what is in the food you buy, now is the time to begin reading ingredients on packages you buy. You will be surprised what is contained in the fine print. For example, most people will just look at the main label or heading of a food package and think, oh, this is okay to eat!; until they get home and find out that there is one item in the food package that is not healthy at all. Yes, I have been guilty of the same and usually I have just thrown the food out. Read the ingredients after reading the label and you will be glad that you did.
Eat Smart
A healthy diet combined with daily exercise makes it easy to lose that 5%. Remember, a healthy diet includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, plant-based protein, nuts, and legumes with all foods being whole foods and non-processed. Remember that eating meat substitutes and non-dairy cheeses and sorts can be just as pricey to eat; so use in moderation. Become a smart thinker and you will be a smart eater!
Nov. 2010
2Be Healthy
Carol Balsiger
Holiday Loaf The Total Vegetarian by Barbara Watson
2c WW bread cubes 2 stalks celery, diced
1c water and minced onion 2 tbsp Braggs Aminos
2c cooked brown rice 3/4c rinsed raw cashews
1 tps sage, ½ tps sea salt
½ c chopped walnuts
1 green pepper, chopped
Combine bread cubes, rice walnuts, celery, pepper and onion in large bowl. Blend cashews in water until smooth. Add dry ingredients and seasonings. Press into loaf pan. Bake 45’’ covered at 350°. Bake uncovered additional 15-20”
With Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays upon us the Internet, magazine racks at the stores, food producers and various other advertisers are filling us with ideas on what to cook for the holidays. I was looking at some vegetarian recipes just this morning on the Internet about how to make soups and pastries, but the sad part about some of those ingredients; they still used sugar and salt. How can you enjoy your festive holiday this season, still not overindulge, and eat something that is healthy? Here are a few tips to consider.
Read Ingredients
If you have not been, accustom to reading what is in the food you buy, now is the time to begin reading ingredients on packages you buy. You will be surprised what is contained in the fine print. For example, most people will just look at the main label or heading of a food package and think, oh, this is okay to eat!; until they get home and find out that there is one item in the food package that is not healthy at all. Yes, I have been guilty of the same and usually I have just thrown the food out. Read the ingredients after reading the label and you will be glad that you did.
Eat Smart
A healthy diet combined with daily exercise makes it easy to lose that 5%. Remember, a healthy diet includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, plant-based protein, nuts, and legumes with all foods being whole foods and non-processed. Remember that eating meat substitutes and non-dairy cheeses and sorts can be just as pricey to eat; so use in moderation. Become a smart thinker and you will be a smart eater!
Nov. 2010
2Be Healthy
Carol Balsiger
Holiday Loaf The Total Vegetarian by Barbara Watson
2c WW bread cubes 2 stalks celery, diced
1c water and minced onion 2 tbsp Braggs Aminos
2c cooked brown rice 3/4c rinsed raw cashews
1 tps sage, ½ tps sea salt
½ c chopped walnuts
1 green pepper, chopped
Combine bread cubes, rice walnuts, celery, pepper and onion in large bowl. Blend cashews in water until smooth. Add dry ingredients and seasonings. Press into loaf pan. Bake 45’’ covered at 350°. Bake uncovered additional 15-20”
Monday, May 24, 2010
Changes in our Health Care is fast closing in on the American people. Will everyone be able to afford Health Care? If anyone has taken the time to read the new Health Care proposal, I am not sure if anyone could really understand it all. I vaguely skimmed through the 1100+ pages and was not sure what was being offered me, except that if I do not have 'prescribed Health Care', I will be taxed in order to help pay for others that cannot afford Health care. What kind of Health Plan is that? I thought this was America, and their was such a thing as freedom of choice?
Anyway, I have chosen not to have conventional Health Care, because the answer to Health Care is not in treatment; but in PREVENTION. The purpose of this blog is to encourage people to seek alternative methods to Health Care and think seriously on the phrase "physician heal thyself". Everyone needs to educate themselves in the area of Health Reform and gradually work to change their lifestyles in order to reach Optimum Health. This is not a 'rocket scientist' approach, but simply the willingness on the part of each individual to make necessary changes in their lifestyle in order to maintain mental, physical and spiritual health.
All I ask, is that you THINK ABOUT IT!
Anyway, I have chosen not to have conventional Health Care, because the answer to Health Care is not in treatment; but in PREVENTION. The purpose of this blog is to encourage people to seek alternative methods to Health Care and think seriously on the phrase "physician heal thyself". Everyone needs to educate themselves in the area of Health Reform and gradually work to change their lifestyles in order to reach Optimum Health. This is not a 'rocket scientist' approach, but simply the willingness on the part of each individual to make necessary changes in their lifestyle in order to maintain mental, physical and spiritual health.
All I ask, is that you THINK ABOUT IT!
Opportunities to Change Our Lifestyles
McDougall 10-Day Program
June 11-20, 2010
Sold Out
The medical world is changing. Medications, the best example being diabetic pills, and surgeries, such as angioplasty, have been thoroughly exposed to the public as ineffective, harmful, and expensive. The alternative is to become healthy by changing your diet. But you need help and that is what the McDougall Program is for.
During your 10-day stay with us you will stop all unnecessary medications, cancel avoidable surgery, and take a big step toward regaining your lost health and appearance. There is really no other sensible choice.
Dr. McDougall still personally cares for each individual patient during and, when necessary and appropriate, after the program.
You can have your name placed on the June 11-21, 2010 Program waiting list. However, there are still openings for August 6 to 15, 2010.
Call Carol at (800) 941-7111 or (616) 874-8155 or write to her at carol@drmcdougall.com for more information.
June 11-20, 2010
Sold Out
The medical world is changing. Medications, the best example being diabetic pills, and surgeries, such as angioplasty, have been thoroughly exposed to the public as ineffective, harmful, and expensive. The alternative is to become healthy by changing your diet. But you need help and that is what the McDougall Program is for.
During your 10-day stay with us you will stop all unnecessary medications, cancel avoidable surgery, and take a big step toward regaining your lost health and appearance. There is really no other sensible choice.
Dr. McDougall still personally cares for each individual patient during and, when necessary and appropriate, after the program.
You can have your name placed on the June 11-21, 2010 Program waiting list. However, there are still openings for August 6 to 15, 2010.
Call Carol at (800) 941-7111 or (616) 874-8155 or write to her at carol@drmcdougall.com for more information.
Friday, March 26, 2010
This report is alarming!
Outbreak of rare disease in the Netherlands
By The World ⋅ March 25, 2010
The Netherlands is grappling with an outbreak of a rare disease. It normally strikes farm animals, but it’s now sickening hundreds of people who have no contact with farms. While most people get something like the flu or pneumonia for a few weeks, some are sick for months, and a handful have died. The disease is caused by a type of bacteria so resilient that the U.S. government considers it a bioterrorism agent. From the Netherlands, Emily Kopp reports. (images courtesy of VJ Movement)
Truck driver Frank van Lent lives in a small town an hour southeast of Amsterdam. He used to play tennis and jog, but now a short stroll through his neighborhood is all he has energy for. His trouble began ten months ago.
Frank Van Lent and his partner Ans Brouwers
He became exhausted, he says. He developed a fever, headaches, muscle aches, heart palpitations. At first, his doctor was stumped. He prescribed antibiotics, but those didn’t help. Two months went by, but van Lent didn’t get better. He went in for more tests.
They took some blood, he says, and they came up with a diagnosis: Q-fever. It’s a bacterial infection, transmitted by livestock. Jos van de Sande is an infectious disease expert at the public health department here in the Dutch province of Brabant. He says, usually, only people who work with farm animals are at risk.
“It’s always been an occupational disease of farmers, slaughterhouse personnel, veterinarians.”
But something has changed. Now, many people here who have no connection to farms are coming down with Q-fever, and the number of patients is growing. Three years ago, the Netherlands had fewer than 200 cases. Last year, it had more than 2000. At least nine people have died. It’s not clear why the disease is spreading. Jos van de Sande says the bacteria may have mutated.
”And now Q fever is spread by the wind and the whole population can get it.”
Whatever is causing the disease to spread, officials believe they know where it’s coming from – this country’s growing number of goat farms.
Jeannette van den Ven raises dairy goats on her farm:
“These are the younger stock, and the younger females and males.”
For the goats to make milk, they have to get pregnant. The problem is: the bacteria that cause Q fever thrive in goats’ wombs, and cause goats to miscarry. When the goats abort, the bacteria are released into the air and can infect people. So to stop the disease, the Dutch government has targeted farms, like van den Ven’s.
“They just said pregnant goats give the most risk to contamination. Let’s kill all the pregnant goats, contaminated or not. And that’s, you know, very hard.”
Under government orders, if any goat tests positive for Q fever, all pregnant goats on that farm must be killed. That’s what happened here. The government sent veterinarians to euthanize more than 600 of Van den Ven’s goats. Nationwide, about 45,000 pregnant goats have been killed.
Farmer Jeannette van den Ven
Farmers call these measures draconian and unnecessary. There is an animal vaccine for Q-fever. It was in short supply last year but now there’s now enough for all the goats in the country. It’s not clear, though, if any of these measures will stop the spread of Q fever. Jos Van de Sande of the Brabant public health department says there are simply too many farms squeezed into this crowded country.
He pulls up a map on his computer. It’s dotted with fat pink circles, clumped together like chicken pox. They indicate infected farms.
“You see, Not only humans, but other stables nearby can become infected very easily. The stables are so close together in the Netherlands that the disease can very likely spread from stable to stable.”
One way to protect people from Q fever would be to move farms away from cities, but experts say that’s not practical. Meanwhile, other European countries are watching the situation closely. Recently, the disease spread to a few Belgian farms across the border.
For The World, I’m Emily Kopp, Brabant Province, the Netherlands.
Outbreak of rare disease in the Netherlands
By The World ⋅ March 25, 2010
The Netherlands is grappling with an outbreak of a rare disease. It normally strikes farm animals, but it’s now sickening hundreds of people who have no contact with farms. While most people get something like the flu or pneumonia for a few weeks, some are sick for months, and a handful have died. The disease is caused by a type of bacteria so resilient that the U.S. government considers it a bioterrorism agent. From the Netherlands, Emily Kopp reports. (images courtesy of VJ Movement)
Truck driver Frank van Lent lives in a small town an hour southeast of Amsterdam. He used to play tennis and jog, but now a short stroll through his neighborhood is all he has energy for. His trouble began ten months ago.
Frank Van Lent and his partner Ans Brouwers
He became exhausted, he says. He developed a fever, headaches, muscle aches, heart palpitations. At first, his doctor was stumped. He prescribed antibiotics, but those didn’t help. Two months went by, but van Lent didn’t get better. He went in for more tests.
They took some blood, he says, and they came up with a diagnosis: Q-fever. It’s a bacterial infection, transmitted by livestock. Jos van de Sande is an infectious disease expert at the public health department here in the Dutch province of Brabant. He says, usually, only people who work with farm animals are at risk.
“It’s always been an occupational disease of farmers, slaughterhouse personnel, veterinarians.”
But something has changed. Now, many people here who have no connection to farms are coming down with Q-fever, and the number of patients is growing. Three years ago, the Netherlands had fewer than 200 cases. Last year, it had more than 2000. At least nine people have died. It’s not clear why the disease is spreading. Jos van de Sande says the bacteria may have mutated.
”And now Q fever is spread by the wind and the whole population can get it.”
Whatever is causing the disease to spread, officials believe they know where it’s coming from – this country’s growing number of goat farms.
Jeannette van den Ven raises dairy goats on her farm:
“These are the younger stock, and the younger females and males.”
For the goats to make milk, they have to get pregnant. The problem is: the bacteria that cause Q fever thrive in goats’ wombs, and cause goats to miscarry. When the goats abort, the bacteria are released into the air and can infect people. So to stop the disease, the Dutch government has targeted farms, like van den Ven’s.
“They just said pregnant goats give the most risk to contamination. Let’s kill all the pregnant goats, contaminated or not. And that’s, you know, very hard.”
Under government orders, if any goat tests positive for Q fever, all pregnant goats on that farm must be killed. That’s what happened here. The government sent veterinarians to euthanize more than 600 of Van den Ven’s goats. Nationwide, about 45,000 pregnant goats have been killed.
Farmer Jeannette van den Ven
Farmers call these measures draconian and unnecessary. There is an animal vaccine for Q-fever. It was in short supply last year but now there’s now enough for all the goats in the country. It’s not clear, though, if any of these measures will stop the spread of Q fever. Jos Van de Sande of the Brabant public health department says there are simply too many farms squeezed into this crowded country.
He pulls up a map on his computer. It’s dotted with fat pink circles, clumped together like chicken pox. They indicate infected farms.
“You see, Not only humans, but other stables nearby can become infected very easily. The stables are so close together in the Netherlands that the disease can very likely spread from stable to stable.”
One way to protect people from Q fever would be to move farms away from cities, but experts say that’s not practical. Meanwhile, other European countries are watching the situation closely. Recently, the disease spread to a few Belgian farms across the border.
For The World, I’m Emily Kopp, Brabant Province, the Netherlands.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Recipe For Colds
ARTICLE: Ginger Tea Pack
by Robert McCandless, M.H.
Vancouver, Canada
A Ginger tea pack is a simple home treatment for congestion in any part of the body - particularly dry cough with thick, sticky phlegm in lungs or sinuses. It may help with stiff, sore muscles or swollen lymph glands. It is cheap, (probably under $5 for the ginger) and takes 2-3 hours. It is easy if you have a friend to help you. Evening before bed is best, so you can rest deeply.
What you will need:
- a big piece of fresh ginger root
- a grater
- a big pot
- a stove
- a sink
- 3 medium bath towels
- 2 large bath towels
- a bed, blankets, & pillow
How to do it:
1. Fill big pot with water.
2. Bring water to a boil, turn heat to low.
3. Grate the ginger, put it in the pot.
4. Simmer on low for 2 hours with lid on.
5. Keep pot on low heat. Put folded towel on top of pot to keep it warm.
6. Put big bath towel on bed & smaller towel on pillow (to catch drips).
7. Patient may drink some hot herbal tea or ginger tea.
8. Have "patient" lie on the towels on the bed.
9. Keep patient comfortably warm with blankets.
10. Hold both ends of towel & twist it into a spiral shape.
11. Dip middle of towel into ginger tea without your hands touching the hot tea.
12. Twist towel until it doesn't drip.
13. Carefully open hot towel & lay it on patient's chest (sinus or wherever).
14. Towel should be hot but not scalding.
15. Cover wet towel with big fuzzy bath towel to keep the heat in.
16. Leave hot towel on approx. 5 minutes or until it is no longer hot.
17. Dip another towel in cold water from cold tap. Wring out so it doesn't drip.
18. Remove first wet towel, apply cold towel for approx. 1 minute.
19. Remove cold towel, apply freshly dipped hot ginger towel.
20. Alternate 5 min hot, 1 min cold, until all hot tea is gone.
21. Cover patient comfortably & let them sleep.
What you may expect:
Relief from pain and congestion, easier breathing in lung and sinus areas. Some people have coughed up loosened phlegm the next day, others have had runny noses for a week or more. Increased energy and vitality are common results.
by Robert McCandless, M.H.
Vancouver, Canada
A Ginger tea pack is a simple home treatment for congestion in any part of the body - particularly dry cough with thick, sticky phlegm in lungs or sinuses. It may help with stiff, sore muscles or swollen lymph glands. It is cheap, (probably under $5 for the ginger) and takes 2-3 hours. It is easy if you have a friend to help you. Evening before bed is best, so you can rest deeply.
What you will need:
- a big piece of fresh ginger root
- a grater
- a big pot
- a stove
- a sink
- 3 medium bath towels
- 2 large bath towels
- a bed, blankets, & pillow
How to do it:
1. Fill big pot with water.
2. Bring water to a boil, turn heat to low.
3. Grate the ginger, put it in the pot.
4. Simmer on low for 2 hours with lid on.
5. Keep pot on low heat. Put folded towel on top of pot to keep it warm.
6. Put big bath towel on bed & smaller towel on pillow (to catch drips).
7. Patient may drink some hot herbal tea or ginger tea.
8. Have "patient" lie on the towels on the bed.
9. Keep patient comfortably warm with blankets.
10. Hold both ends of towel & twist it into a spiral shape.
11. Dip middle of towel into ginger tea without your hands touching the hot tea.
12. Twist towel until it doesn't drip.
13. Carefully open hot towel & lay it on patient's chest (sinus or wherever).
14. Towel should be hot but not scalding.
15. Cover wet towel with big fuzzy bath towel to keep the heat in.
16. Leave hot towel on approx. 5 minutes or until it is no longer hot.
17. Dip another towel in cold water from cold tap. Wring out so it doesn't drip.
18. Remove first wet towel, apply cold towel for approx. 1 minute.
19. Remove cold towel, apply freshly dipped hot ginger towel.
20. Alternate 5 min hot, 1 min cold, until all hot tea is gone.
21. Cover patient comfortably & let them sleep.
What you may expect:
Relief from pain and congestion, easier breathing in lung and sinus areas. Some people have coughed up loosened phlegm the next day, others have had runny noses for a week or more. Increased energy and vitality are common results.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
ARTICLE: Nutritional Yeast
Nutritional Yeast is grown on a mixture of cane and beet molasses. B-vitamins are added during the process to provide the yeast with the nutrients it needs to grow. When harvested, the yeast is washed, pasteurized, and dried before it is ready for market.
Vegans and vegetarians have used it for years as a source of vitamin B-12. Health seekers who strive to eat primarily a whole foods diet use nutritional yeast because it tastes good with certain foods and adds extra nutrients to their diet. Nutritional yeast contains 18 amino acids (forming the complete protein) and 15 minerals.
Unlike baking yeast, nutritional yeast is grown solely for its nutritional value. It should not be confused with brewer's yeast, a by-product of breweries and distilleries. Nutritional yeast is a low-fat, low-sodium, kosher, non-GMO food that contains no added sugars or preservatives.
Many manufacturers of Nutritional Yeast enrich it with B-vitamins and iron. It is extremely rich in a number of nutrients. Here is the nutritional value per heaping tablespoon of Nutritional Yeast from a popular manufacturer - Red Star:
· Calories - 60
· Total Fat - 1 gram
· Carbohydrates - 7 grams
· Fiber - 4 grams
· Protein - 8 grams
· Vitamin B1 (thiamin) - 640% Daily Value (DV)
· Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 560% DV
· Vitamin B3 (niacin) - 280% DV
· Vitamin B6 - 480% DV
· Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 60% DV
· Vitamin B12 - 130% DV
So how do you use Nutritional Yeast?
* Use it as a condiment sprinkled on the evening meal of rice and vegetables, or on popcorn for snack time.
* Add 1/2 teaspoon per 1 cup liquid to gravies and sauces.
* Add a tablespoon per 2 cups mixture to vegetable, bean and grain burgers.
* Make a yeast "cheese" to adorn a vegan pizza or lasagna.
* Add it to your cat or dog's food to help eliminate fleas and promote a healthy coat and good general nutrition.
We highly recommend that you add this delicious, nutritious food to your diet. You can purchase it in most health food markets.
References and more information:
Nutritional Yeast is grown on a mixture of cane and beet molasses. B-vitamins are added during the process to provide the yeast with the nutrients it needs to grow. When harvested, the yeast is washed, pasteurized, and dried before it is ready for market.
Vegans and vegetarians have used it for years as a source of vitamin B-12. Health seekers who strive to eat primarily a whole foods diet use nutritional yeast because it tastes good with certain foods and adds extra nutrients to their diet. Nutritional yeast contains 18 amino acids (forming the complete protein) and 15 minerals.
Unlike baking yeast, nutritional yeast is grown solely for its nutritional value. It should not be confused with brewer's yeast, a by-product of breweries and distilleries. Nutritional yeast is a low-fat, low-sodium, kosher, non-GMO food that contains no added sugars or preservatives.
Many manufacturers of Nutritional Yeast enrich it with B-vitamins and iron. It is extremely rich in a number of nutrients. Here is the nutritional value per heaping tablespoon of Nutritional Yeast from a popular manufacturer - Red Star:
· Calories - 60
· Total Fat - 1 gram
· Carbohydrates - 7 grams
· Fiber - 4 grams
· Protein - 8 grams
· Vitamin B1 (thiamin) - 640% Daily Value (DV)
· Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 560% DV
· Vitamin B3 (niacin) - 280% DV
· Vitamin B6 - 480% DV
· Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 60% DV
· Vitamin B12 - 130% DV
So how do you use Nutritional Yeast?
* Use it as a condiment sprinkled on the evening meal of rice and vegetables, or on popcorn for snack time.
* Add 1/2 teaspoon per 1 cup liquid to gravies and sauces.
* Add a tablespoon per 2 cups mixture to vegetable, bean and grain burgers.
* Make a yeast "cheese" to adorn a vegan pizza or lasagna.
* Add it to your cat or dog's food to help eliminate fleas and promote a healthy coat and good general nutrition.
We highly recommend that you add this delicious, nutritious food to your diet. You can purchase it in most health food markets.
References and more information:
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