Structure and Functions of the Human Body
It costs more to be sick than to stay well. It is easier to keep well than to get well when sick. There are no incurable diseases according to Doctor Shultze's, but there are many that do not recover from their diseases and that we have to leave to God's will. The surest way to meet disease is by prevention, and most diseases are preventable. No disease comes without a cause. Sickness is not directly the work of an unseen power, good or evil; its course, or history, has a definite line reaching from cause to effect. We can often trace the cause directly to some violation of the laws of health. The recovery from any illness first of all demands the removal of its cause. The things one must do to recover health are the same that would keep one well had he/she always observed them. So what are some Natural Remedies we can use to strengthen, restore and sustain our human bodies in good health?
The first essential of life. You can live weeks without food, days without water, but only a very few minutes without air.

What are some conditions that deprive us of the benefits of pure air? Closed windows create poor ventilation, tight clothing that compresses the lungs, poor posture that cramps the lungs, shallow breathing, poisonous gases, cigarette smoke, overheated rooms and air filled with disease germs or poisons.
Breathing impure air weakens the body, so that it becomes more susceptible to disease. Pneumonia is often called a [bad air] disease. Other germ diseases which bad air is a contributing factor are bronchitis, influenza, tuberculosis, colds, cough, sore throat, etc. Offices, class rooms, bedrooms, and hospital rooms should have a current of fresh air pass through it day and night. But today most of our work places, class rooms, bedrooms and even our hospital rooms (where they should know better) are supplied by artificial air. Fresh air is one of nature's best medicines and fresh air that will help to cure disease will help to prevent it. (Thoughts from "Health Preservation & Home Nursing", Review & Herald Publishing Assoc. 1936)

What can you do to breath better? You can expand the lungs by lowering the diaphragm muscle when you relax the abdominal muscles during inhalation. As you expand your upper lung area and your lower lung area it results in increased lung function called 'deep breathing' which provides more efficient oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange. Deep breathing can help relieve headaches, backaches, stomachaches, sleeplessness and prevent certain types of pneumonia. Deep breathing allows blood pressure to return to normal and releases natural mood enhancers (endorphins) into the bloodstream. (Amazing Health Facts! magazine free for the asking)
So breath, breath, exhale and inhale deeply to fill those lungs with good Fresh Air!
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