Sunday, December 13, 2009


At least 90 % of human illness could be prevented if people knew the laws of life and observed them. And yet, of the millions of dollars spent each year in the United States for medical care it is estimated that not over 3% is spent for the prevention of disease. In other words, the money is spent after the people become sick when it should have been spent before the illness and avoided pain, loss of time and expense. "An ounce of prevention is workth a pound of cure." A little money spent on prevention will pay large dividends in lessening sickness expense. For it to be most effectual we must begin before sickness comes,--while we are still well, and perhaps do not feel the need of safe-guarding the future.
Some of the diseases which are known to have been produced in part, at least, by departing from right ways of living are given below for serious reflection. A little information which costs little would prevent much sickness which costs much.
If you are suffering it may be your own fault.
  • Acid Stomach                              Diarrhea                     Hyperacidity          Piles
  • Acidosis                                       Dermatitis                  Impure blood         Pleurisy
  • Acne                                            Dropsy                        Indigestion            Pneumonia
  • Adenoids                                      Ear infections            Influenza               Psoriasis
  • Anemia                                         Eczema                      Insomnia               Pyorrhea
  • Apoplexy                                      Epilepsy                     Irritability              Reproductive or-
  • Appendicitis                                 Gall bladder               Liver cirrhosis           gan diseases
  • Arthritis                                              troubles                Loss of hair           Rickets
  • Asthma                                         Gangrene                    Low blood            Scurvy
  • Auto-intoxication                          Gastritis                         pressure           
  • Beriberi                                          Gland trouble             Malnutrition        Shingles                
  • Blood disorders                              Goiter                         Mental sluggish-   Sinusitis
  • Boils                                               Halitosis                            ness               Sour stomach
  • Bright's disease                               Hardening of the          Nervousness       Stomach ulcer
  • Bronchitis                                             arteries                    Neuralgia           Stone bladder
  • Cancer                                            Hay fever                      Neuritis              Tapeworm
  • Catarrh                                           Headache                      Nose infections   Tired feeling
  • Colds                                              Heart disease                Overweight         Tonsillitis
  • Colitis                                             Hemorrhoids                 Pellagra               Tooth decay
  • Constipation                                   High blood                    Pep lacking          Tuberculosis
  • Diabetes                                                pressure                        
The need of the hour is not for more hospitals, surgery, and drugs, but for more information about how to live to be normally well--how to prevent the 90 percent of prevalent disease. Therefore health education is of first importance as the chief preventive measure.

"Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health. In case of sickness, the cause should be ascertained. Unhealthful conditions should be changed, wrong habits corrected. Then nature is to be assisted in her efforts to expel impurities and to re-establish right conditions in the system."  Ministry of Healing p.195

There are two kinds of immunity; one natural and the other artificial. Not enough attention has been given to the former in proportion to that given to the latter

---ABUNDANT HEALTH        by Julius Gilbert White     

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