Monday, December 14, 2009


Facts on Wax:
Are Vegetable and Fruit Waxes Kosher?
Rabbi Dovid Heber, Star-K Kashrus Administrator

You may notice at your favorite supermarket the following statement next to the prominent "Summer Fruits from California" banner: "Coated with food grade vegetable, petroleum, and/or shellac-based wax or resin to maintain freshness" on their favorite fruits and vegetables. What are waxes? Are there any Kashrus concerns? Let us examine some of the Kosher facts on wax.

Waxes are not a new phenomenon, as they have been used domestically for over 60 years, on a wide variety of fruits and vegetables (see list). Waxes are derived from a variety of sources and are a cross combination of natural and synthetic ingredients. The most common primary wax ingredients are shellac, carnuba wax, or petroleum based wax. Less frequently used and more costly wax bases include beeswax and candelia wax.

Shellac or lac resin is a product that is imported from India and is used in waxes for citrus fruits, apples and pears. It is a product that is derived from the secretions of the tiny lac insect. The lac insect secretes "lac-resin" from its glands onto a host tree. The resin is then gathered, crushed, sieved, washed and purified into food grade shellac. Horav Moshe Feinstein, zt'l explains in Igros Moshe Y.D. II 24 that shellac is Kosher. Rav Moshe zt'l discusses several reasons for this conclusion - most important the analogy between shellac -a secretion from a non-Kosher insect, and honey - a secretion from a non-Kosher insect. Honey is obviously Kosher and so is shellac.

Carnuba wax is derived from palm trees and is used in waxes for stonefruits, and in a variety of vegetables. It too is a product that in and of itself presents no Kashrus concerns. However, carnuba wax manufacturers can possibly add stearic acid, an ingredient that can be derived from both animal or vegetable sources. It is quite possible that the carnuba wax purchased by produce wax manufacturers is pure, or contains Kosher certified vegetable stearic acid. However, even if non-Kosher stearic acid is used, it would be batel (i.e. less than one part in sixty) in the finished produce wax. This would also apply to the less commonly used candelia wax, a wax of plant origin, and beeswax.

Petroleum based waxes including paraffin, mineral oil, and polyethylene are inherently Kosher and Pareve. These waxes are commonly used on melons, stone fruits, and tropical fruits and in a variety of vegetables.

Other ingredients added to finished wax coatings include oleic acid, emulsifiers, and proteins. Oleic acid is almost always used in wax. This ingredient can be derived from animal and/or vegetable derivatives and is used in proportions that are possibly not batel. All wax manufacturers queried claim to use Kosher vegetable grade oleic acid. Emulsifiers are an important additive that allow oil and water to adequately mix. These, too, pose the same potential problems as oleic acid, in that they may be animal based. Once again, companies using this ingredient claimed to be using Kosher vegetable derived emulsifiers. Unfortunately, because most of these facilities are not under Kosher supervision and do not undergo periodic inspections, there is no way to ensure that this will continue to be true in all companies.

There are two types of proteins used in the wax industry, soy and casein. Proteins are used as a thickener in lac-resin waxes and are not necessary in the more viscous petroleum based or carnuba waxes. Proteins present different Kashrus concerns. Soy protein is a soybean derivative which is generally Kosher and pareve certified. However, it is not Kosher for Pesach as it is Kitniyos. Does this present a problem on Pesach to those who wish to eat fruit which is coated with lac resin wax? The answer is found in the Mishna Berura (453:9) which states that Kitniyos is permissible if it was mixed with other ingredients that form a majority of the finished product. Although soy protein in a lac-resin wax may not be batul bishishim it is definitely batul brov in the product and would be permissible even on Pesach.

Casein is a protein derived from milk and is therefore dairy. Proteins are added at ratios as high as 1½% (less than 1/60th). However, they can not be considered batel because this is the ratio in the "whole bowl of wax", i.e. while the wax is in a liquid state before application. After application and evaporation of liquids, the ratio of proportion on the wax remaining on the apple is much higher and is quite likely not batel. One company informed the Star-K that they use casein only on "citrus wax" i.e. wax used on fruit with peels such as oranges or grapefruits, "Apple Wax" uses soy protein. Another company claimed to use only soy protein and not casein protein. Nevertheless, one company did say they use casein protein on apple wax, thereby potentially creating concern that the wax applied would be dairy.

A finished wax is applied to the fruits and vegetables at a cooperative warehouse. At this stage the wax has a very bad taste and it's not fit for animal consumption. The bad tasting chemicals evaporate, leaving a tasteless wax coating. The produce is then shipped to local distributors who sell the produce to supermarkets and other retailers. It is extremely difficult to know which company has manufactured the wax on a particular fruit or vegetable as it can pass through several hands before reaching the market.

What is the final verdict? Of course, the best case scenario would be to Kosher certify all wax manufacturers to assure the Kosher consumer beyond a shadow of a doubt that every component of the wax is 100% Kosher. Since this is not the case what should the consumer do? After analyzing all the information, we can arrive at the following conclusion. When one purchases waxed produce it is extremely difficult to know which company manufactured the wax and what raw materials were used. Yet the overwhelming evidence points to the facts that the raw materials used, both major and minor, were Kosher and Pareve. Although other possibilities could potentially exist, in circumstances where it is impossible to ascertain all the specific facts and the evidence heavily points to the Kosher arena, Halacha instructs us to follow the majority scenario. This concept in Jewish law is known as going after the majority . Based on current manufacturing procedures one therefore need not be concerned with the vegetable, petroleum, and shellac based waxes applied to fruits and vegetables.

Can the Kosher consumer feel comfortable relying on this rule? Absolutely, as this rule is not new to Halacha. We go after the majority every time we drink a cup of milk - whether it's Cholov Yisroel or not. In order for milk to be Kosher it must come from a Kosher animal that is not a treifa. Theoretically, if the milk has been milked from a cow with a punctured lung or has any other sign of being a treifa one may not drink the milk. Because it is impossible to ascertain the status of the lung as well as the other organs of the cows from which milk comes (unless you slaughter and check the cow immediately after milking) one may drink milk. This is because in this instance we say holchin achar harov, as the majority of all cows are not treifa.

The reader is cautioned that the holchin achar harov rule can not be universally applied and is only used in isolated examples where all factors are reviewed by a competent Rabbinic authority.

Furthermore, the holchin achar harov rule applies in situations where the consumer is unable to ascertain the exact status of every ingredient used in the wax and no simple alternative is available. However, a Kashrus agency which obviously has the ability to research the Kosher status of every ingredient and supplier, would only formally certify a wax - or any other product - if all ingredients and suppliers have been proven to be 100% Kosher.

One final note relates to the safety of waxes. The FDA has carefully reviewed all wax components and has assured the public that they are completely safe. So, Kosher consumers may continue to prescribe to the old philosophy "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" - even a waxed apple.

Common Wax Applications
Citrus Fruits: grapefruits, lemons, limes, oranges, tangerines
Melons: cantaloupe, honeydew
Pome Fruits: apples, pears
Stone Fruits: nectarines, peaches, plums
Tropical Fruits: mangos, papayas, passion fruit
Vegetables: avocados, bell peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, green peppers, hot peppers, parsnips, rutabaga, sweet potatoes, squash, tomatoes, and turnips.

The author wishes to thank Rabbi Shimon Gutman of Cleveland, Ohio, the FDA, United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association, Produce Manufacturing Association, and Washington Apple Commission for their assistance.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


At least 90 % of human illness could be prevented if people knew the laws of life and observed them. And yet, of the millions of dollars spent each year in the United States for medical care it is estimated that not over 3% is spent for the prevention of disease. In other words, the money is spent after the people become sick when it should have been spent before the illness and avoided pain, loss of time and expense. "An ounce of prevention is workth a pound of cure." A little money spent on prevention will pay large dividends in lessening sickness expense. For it to be most effectual we must begin before sickness comes,--while we are still well, and perhaps do not feel the need of safe-guarding the future.
Some of the diseases which are known to have been produced in part, at least, by departing from right ways of living are given below for serious reflection. A little information which costs little would prevent much sickness which costs much.
If you are suffering it may be your own fault.
  • Acid Stomach                              Diarrhea                     Hyperacidity          Piles
  • Acidosis                                       Dermatitis                  Impure blood         Pleurisy
  • Acne                                            Dropsy                        Indigestion            Pneumonia
  • Adenoids                                      Ear infections            Influenza               Psoriasis
  • Anemia                                         Eczema                      Insomnia               Pyorrhea
  • Apoplexy                                      Epilepsy                     Irritability              Reproductive or-
  • Appendicitis                                 Gall bladder               Liver cirrhosis           gan diseases
  • Arthritis                                              troubles                Loss of hair           Rickets
  • Asthma                                         Gangrene                    Low blood            Scurvy
  • Auto-intoxication                          Gastritis                         pressure           
  • Beriberi                                          Gland trouble             Malnutrition        Shingles                
  • Blood disorders                              Goiter                         Mental sluggish-   Sinusitis
  • Boils                                               Halitosis                            ness               Sour stomach
  • Bright's disease                               Hardening of the          Nervousness       Stomach ulcer
  • Bronchitis                                             arteries                    Neuralgia           Stone bladder
  • Cancer                                            Hay fever                      Neuritis              Tapeworm
  • Catarrh                                           Headache                      Nose infections   Tired feeling
  • Colds                                              Heart disease                Overweight         Tonsillitis
  • Colitis                                             Hemorrhoids                 Pellagra               Tooth decay
  • Constipation                                   High blood                    Pep lacking          Tuberculosis
  • Diabetes                                                pressure                        
The need of the hour is not for more hospitals, surgery, and drugs, but for more information about how to live to be normally well--how to prevent the 90 percent of prevalent disease. Therefore health education is of first importance as the chief preventive measure.

"Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health. In case of sickness, the cause should be ascertained. Unhealthful conditions should be changed, wrong habits corrected. Then nature is to be assisted in her efforts to expel impurities and to re-establish right conditions in the system."  Ministry of Healing p.195

There are two kinds of immunity; one natural and the other artificial. Not enough attention has been given to the former in proportion to that given to the latter

---ABUNDANT HEALTH        by Julius Gilbert White     

    Wednesday, December 9, 2009


    McDougall Comments on Mammography on the Huffington Post
    ACS Chief Sends Mixed Messages on Mammography
    John McDougall, MD
    Posted December 7, 2009
    Dr. Otis Brawley, Chief Medical Officer of the American Cancer Society, voiced strong support for annual mammography for women beginning at age 40 in an Op-Ed piece published November 20, 2009, in newspapers nationwide. This position is in sharp contrast to his statement about mammography made in the New York Times on Wednesday, October 21, 2009. On that day he told women "We don't want people to panic, but I'm admitting that American medicine has overpromised when it comes to screening. The advantages to screening have been exaggerated." Dr. Brawley has known about the questionable benefits of screening for more than a decade. Regarding mammography, his words in the August 2000 issue of Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America were, "There has been considerable debate about the benefit:harm ratio of mammography screening for women below the age of 50 years, and about what proportion of the observed benefit arises from screening that occurs after these women have entered their 50s." The burden of proof of "the benefits outweighing the harms" rests with those making the recommendations--the American Cancer Society and its Chief Medical Officer in this case. Dr. Brawley has voiced doubt about the benefits of mammography, and now appears conflicted by communicating two opposing stands in less than a month. The American Cancer Society, on the other hand, has remained steadfast in a position that enhances the profits of breast cancer-related businesses, regardless of the effects on women.
    Read Complete article on Huffington Post
    Please add your comments at the end of the article at Huffington Post

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    Of all temporal possessions it is the most precious. Wealth, learning, and honor are dearly purchased at the loss of the vigor of health. None of these can secure happiness, if health is lacking. It is a terrible sin to abuse the health that God has given us; such abuses enfeeble us for life, and make us losers, even if we gain by such  means any amount of education.

    God has bountifully provided for the sustenance and happiness of all his creatures; if his laws were never violated, if all acted in harmony with the divine will, health, peace, and happiness, instead of misery and continual evil, would be the result. 


    Monday, December 7, 2009


    McDougall Advanced Study Weekend
    February 19 - 21, 2010 - Santa Rosa

    John Mackey is the Chairman and CEO of Whole Foods Market, Inc., an $8 billion Fortune 500 company that is now one of the top 10 supermarket companies in America. John’s most recent professional focus is on re-invigorating Whole Foods Market with an emphasis on healthy eating and lifestyle choices.

    neal BARNARD, M.D.
    Neal Barnard, MD is the founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), and president of The Cancer Project, which supports cancer prevention and survival through understanding the link between nutrition and cancer. He is the author of many scientific publications and books including Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes.

    Rory Freedman penned the #1 NY Times bestseller Skinny Bitch. With five books on the shelves, three million copies in print, translations in twenty-seven languages, two years on the NY Times best seller list, and numerous TV and radio appearances, she set out to bring veganism to the masses. VegNews magazine named Rory their first ever “Person of the Year,” but her biggest source of pride is being a vegan animal rights activist.

    Nortin Hadler, MD is a professor and an allergist, immunologist, internist, and rheumatologist at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. He exposes the myths around common medical treatments – especially surgical procedures and medications, and is the author of The Last Well Person and Worried Sick. His most recent book is Stabbed in the Back: Confronting back pain in an overtreated society.

    Amy Lanou, PhD is assistant professor of health and wellness for the University of North Carolina-Asheville (UNCA). She is the co-author of Building Bone Vitality: A Revolutionary Diet Plan to Prevent Bone Loss and Reverse Osteoporosis--Without Dairy Foods, Calcium, Estrogen, or Drugs. Dr. Lanou has published in scientific journals the reasons why dairy products should not be recommended and why dairy products do not support bone health.

    Jesse Minor has been vegan for over 18 years and a lover of delicious food all of his life. He became a Personal Chef to share his passion for tantalizing and nourishing vegan dishes. All meals are created with the finest organic, seasonal and local ingredients. Jesse is also a columnist for VegNews Magazine and received the SF Bay Guardian's 2008 Best Of The Bay award for “Best Vegan Magician.”

    Doug Lisle, PhD
    Dr. Lisle is the co-author of the national bestselling book, The Pleasure Trap. His two DVD sets, The Pleasure Trap and Losing Weight without Losing Your Mind are changing people’s lives.  He lectures nationally to health professionals on topics including evolutionary psychology, cognitive therapy, lifestyle modification, relaxation, stress management, and weight loss.

    Jeff Novick, RD
    Renowned nutrition, health expert and author, Jeff Novick, RD, has counseled thousands of clients over the last 24 years, and today they credit Jeff with helping them lose weight, reverse disease, build genuine health, and achieve a high quality of life. A passionate educator and engaging speaker, Jeff captivates his audiences with natural humor and charm, entertaining them while distilling science & data into principles that anyone can understand.

    Physician and nutrition expert who teaches better health through vegetarian cuisine.  Dr. McDougall is the founder and medical director of the nationally renowned McDougall Program, a ten-day, residential program located at a luxury resort in Santa Rosa, California -- a place where medical miracles occur through proper diet and lifestyle changes.
    Cost for this weekend is $395 pp (includes all meals and education).  Room is extra.
    Special room rates available at the resort through us.

    Sign-up online or by writing to Carol at;
    or calling (800) 941-7111 or (616) 874-8155 and talking directly with Carol.

    For More Information
    e-mail or phone Carol at (800) 941-7111 or (616) 874-8155

    Tuesday, December 1, 2009


    John A. McDougall, MD


    Dr. McDougall's Health and Medical Center


    The McDougall 3-Day Advanced Study Weekend in Santa Rosa, California

    These weekends are held twice a year and are dedicated to broadening the understanding of plant-food based nutrition and conservative medical care. New opinions and research are presented to our sophisticated audiences. Even though we call them "advanced study," these educational events are designed for the benefit and enjoyment of those just beginning on the road to better health, as well as medical and nutrition professionals. Nor are participants expected to have attended a 10-day program before coming.
    Internet Broadcast of the McDougall Advanced Study WeekendInternet Broadcast of the September McDougall Advanced Study Weekend is online.
    Watch John Mackey, CEO Whole Foods, Luigi Fontana, MD, Jane Hightower, MD and the entire weekend broadcast.
    View a short video clip from this event.Opens New Window
    Sign Up at Opens New Window
    View slide shows of past programs:
    Expert guests have included Dean Ornish, MD, Neal Barnard, MD, Henry Heimlich, MD, and Howard Lyman. The delicious foods served during the weekend dispel a common myth that healthy foods are not satisfying or delicious. Attendees enjoy all-you-can-eat buffet tables filled with Italian Lasagna, Mexican Enchiladas and Burritos, Thai Noodles, Shepherd's Pie, salads and desserts. See typical menu. See list of scheduled Speakers »
    There is no medical care offered during this weekend unless you are already an established patient of Dr. McDougall's. In that case follow-up visits can be arranged. For an extra charge, basic blood tests (cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and thyroid function) can be done during this program.
    Cost for the 3-day weekend, including meals and education (excluding room), is $395 per person. Discounted room rates have been arranged.
    Payments for this program are fully refundable until one week prior to the beginning date. Please refer any questions to or call (800) 941-7111 or (616) 874-8155.
    For more information on some of our previous advanced study weekends see: (links open new window)
    Cost for the 3-day weekend, including meals and education (excluding room), is $395 per person. Discounted room rates have been arranged.

    February 19 - 21, 2010
    To Sign Up
    Call (800) 941-7111
    or Click Here
    Make a fully-refundable payment now.
    $395.00 Per Person


    Copyright © 2007 John A. McDougall, MD. All rights reserved.
    Page printed from:



    Dr. McDougall's Health and Medical Center


    The McDougall 3-Day Advanced Study Weekend in Santa Rosa, California

    These weekends are held twice a year and are dedicated to broadening the understanding of plant-food based nutrition and conservative medical care. New opinions and research are presented to our sophisticated audiences. Even though we call them "advanced study," these educational events are designed for the benefit and enjoyment of those just beginning on the road to better health, as well as medical and nutrition professionals. Nor are participants expected to have attended a 10-day program before coming.
    Internet Broadcast of the McDougall Advanced Study WeekendInternet Broadcast of the September McDougall Advanced Study Weekend is online.
    Watch John Mackey, CEO Whole Foods, Luigi Fontana, MD, Jane Hightower, MD and the entire weekend broadcast.
    View a short video clip from this event.Opens New Window
    Sign Up at Opens New Window
    View slide shows of past programs:
    Expert guests have included Dean Ornish, MD, Neal Barnard, MD, Henry Heimlich, MD, and Howard Lyman. The delicious foods served during the weekend dispel a common myth that healthy foods are not satisfying or delicious. Attendees enjoy all-you-can-eat buffet tables filled with Italian Lasagna, Mexican Enchiladas and Burritos, Thai Noodles, Shepherd's Pie, salads and desserts. See typical menu. See list of scheduled Speakers »
    There is no medical care offered during this weekend unless you are already an established patient of Dr. McDougall's. In that case follow-up visits can be arranged. For an extra charge, basic blood tests (cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and thyroid function) can be done during this program.
    Cost for the 3-day weekend, including meals and education (excluding room), is $395 per person. Discounted room rates have been arranged.
    Payments for this program are fully refundable until one week prior to the beginning date. Please refer any questions to or call (800) 941-7111 or (616) 874-8155.
    For more information on some of our previous advanced study weekends see: (links open new window)
    Cost for the 3-day weekend, including meals and education (excluding room), is $395 per person. Discounted room rates have been arranged.

    February 19 - 21, 2010
    To Sign Up
    Call (800) 941-7111
    or Click Here
    Make a fully-refundable payment now.
    $395.00 Per Person


    Copyright © 2007 John A. McDougall, MD. All rights reserved.
    Page printed from:

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