Friday, April 10, 2020

APRIL 10, 2020


"When God led the children of Israel out of Egypt, it was His purpose to establish them in the land of Canaan a pure, happy, healthy people.....It was His purpose to supply them with food better suited to their wants than the feverish diet to which many of them had been accustomed in Egypt. The perverted appetite was to be brought into a more healthy state, that they might enjoy the food originally provided for man, ---the fruits of the earth, which GOD gave to Adam and Eve in Eden.
Had they been willing to deny appetite in obedience to His restrictions, feebleness and disease would have been unknown among them.....
GOD let them have flesh, but it proved a curse to them." (White, Counsels on Diet & Foods, 1938, p. 378)


A virus is a small parasite that cannot reproduce by itself. Once it infects a susceptible cell, however, a can direct the cell machinery to produce more viruses. Most viruses have either or as their genetic material. The may be single- or double-stranded. The entire infectious virus particle, called a virion, consists of the nucleic acid and an outer shell of . The simplest viruses contain only enough RNA or DNA to encode four proteins. The most complex can encode 100 – 200 proteins.

So, how is this current COVID19 transmitted and how has it been able to stay alive and who is it infecting? Look at Dr. Gregor's comments on this corona virus at and draw your own conclusions.

"Vegetables, fruits, and grains should compose our diet. Not an ounce of flesh meat should enter our stomachs. The eating of flesh is unnatural. We are to return to GOD's original purpose in the creation of man......Among those who are waiting for the coming of the LORD, meat eating will eventually be done away; flesh will cease to form a part of their diet." ( ibid, White, p. 380-1)

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, Dinner Like a Pauper

Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, Dinner Like a Pauper

Yesterday Dr Gregor with provide a fascinating information on the COVID 19 virus! I am sure youTube presentations will be available for other viewers to see. He is also coming out with another book called "HOW TO SURVIVE A PANDEMIC" look for it readers and those interesting in changing their lifestyles to live more healthier!

Also take note of the 8 *Laws of Health* that are taught at Weimar in California!
A--Air (fresh)
T--Trusting in God

Also en-light of this COVID19 and the information that has been provided by us that animals are/were a major cause of the spread of this virus from China it led me to pull off my bookshelf a book by Agatha Thrash and her husband Calvin Thrash who were both Medical Doctors and were founders of Uchee Pines Institute in Seale, Alabama.
Here is what Dr Agatha Thrash has to say in her book: 'The Animal Connection'----------
It is suggested by Dr. James H. Steel, writing in Laboratory Medicine, in December, 1970 
that "lower animals can serve as a source of virus strains that may cause sporadic human disease, or possible epidemics or pandemics (world-wide epidemics)"

"Foods used by humans come from either plants or animals. It is more likely that animal viruses are active in causing human disease than plant viruses, since plants are so biologically different from animals and humans.While plants have diseases, some of which are bacterial, some fungal, and some viral, the possibility appears quite remote that plant viruses are involved in human disease. 
We do not yet know the cause of many human diseases such as arthritis, collagen disease, the wasting muscle diseases. many of the chronic and disabling intestinal diseases....many of the crippling neurological diseases,....It is not a far-fetched idea that many of these diseases of unknown cause are related to animal diseases transmitted to man either by direct contact with the animal or by ingestion of the flesh, milk, or eggs of the infected animal.
Cooking does not insure that bacteria are killed. Viruses are far more resistant to destruction by heat than are bacteria." (Thrash, 1983, p.2)

Dear Folks,

With this current pandemic along with the pandemonium deep consideration should be given to a lifestyle change that is without eating meat and meat products!!
Others that have taken that step are: Dr McDougall, founder of the McDougall Program; Dr. Esselstyn, Heart Specialist; Dr. Klaper, promotes Nutrition Interest Groups; Dr. Gregor, founder of and countless other health professions and everyday people who have changed their lifestyles. Look them UP!

Have a healthy DAY!!!

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